
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2024
  Unit 6 1. What food are you crazy about? I'm crazy about Salchipapa 2. What food are a big eater of? I'm a bit fish eater 3.What drink are you a big drinker? I'm a big aguila negra drink 4. What food/drink are you a love of? 5. I'm pizza lover Negative 1. I can't stand rize 2. I'm not crazy about Higado 3. I don't are fot egg 5. I'm not much of a frijoles eat 6. I'm not much of a Frutiño drinker Excuses 1. I'm on a diet 2. I'm trying to lose weight 3. I don't eat beef 4. I'm allergic to chocolate 5. I'm aroiding sugar 6. I don't care fot chocolate I use/used to 1. I used to love seafood 2. you diidn't use to love oister 3. Did he use to like to drink coffe? 4. It used to rain in barranquilla 5. We used to love eat lobster 6. You didn't use to like fish 7. Did they use to like to eat meat?