My welcome video English 3


My name is Santiago Legarda, but my nickname is Santy, I'm 20 years old, I'm from Barranquilla, but I live in Soledad/Atlántico.

I am studying Multimedia Engineering, I like music, my musical genre is trap, rap my favorite trap singer is jamby el favo and cancerbero rap.

My phone is 3005960487, my email is and in my spare time I play soccer and on my PC.

Unit 1 - Lesson 1: Getting reacquainted
My secon video for mi blog 

Rusia: Among men, the common greeting is a light handshake, maintaining eye contact, with a smile. - Between women, they greet each other with three alternate kisses on the cheek, starting on the left. - Between genders, the woman is the one who initiates the greeting. - Punctuality is an expected and respected courtesy.

China: When meeting for the first time, if the occasion is informal, they may wave to each other or nod while saying ni hao. Among young people, the English "hi" can be used since it sounds less formal. On the other hand, if the situation is formal, the usual thing is to shake hands and use ni hao.


Here in Colombia there are many ways to greet the most famous are a hug and a kiss depending on whether you are a man or a woman there are also hand games and when the situation is very formal a handshake is enough



A: Nelson, have you met Jefferson?

B: Yes, I already knew him

A: Seriously Nelson, you already know Jefferson.

C: If Santy and Nelson and I met, it was at Alanys' party

B: A fight broke out and Jefferson helped me and we became friends.

C: that was two weeks ago at Linda's house!

B: It was crazy

Unit 1 - Lesson 2: Greet a visitor


What places/cities have you visited in Colombia?

The places I have visited in Colombia are the beaches of Cartagena

Experience using participial adjectives

On June 21 I went to run an errand for my mom in Villa Campestre and a shootout broke out. I felt very scared that I even fell on the floor when everything happened I was very upset because I was dressed in white and ended up all dirty, it was amazing How did things happen when I got home As it was a very long journey, I got home tired

My Audio for my blog



My cousin went to try the food and go sightseeing in Spain

My mom and dad have climbed to the top of the statue of liberty

I have traveled to the USA with my mother, father and brother

Unit 2 - Lesson 1: Going to the movies and Apologize for being late

Take turns asking and answering the questions. Use the present perfect in all your answers.

1]. Is there a movie you´ve always wanted to see?

I'm not one to watch movies but the truth is I would like to see the blue beetle

2]. Have you seen any good movies recently?

Yes, I recently saw a movie that I really liked, it's a comedy called They're Like Children

3]. What is the best movie you've seen?

The best movie I've seen so far is "Abrahan lincoln caza vampiros" highly recommended

4]. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

The worst movie I've ever seen is "Kissing Stan"

5]. How many movies have you seen so far this month?

I have seen more than 3 movies this month.

6]. Is there a classic movie you haven't seen yet?

Yes, one of many classic movies, the one I haven't seen is "Pacific Rim"

Apologize for being late


How long have you been here? I've been here for an hour.

How long have you been here? I have studied at the university for four semesters.


A: Have you been here long?

B: For an hour.

A: Sorry. I'm late, I overslept and couldn't find where to park. Did you buy the tickets for the movie?

B: Yes, but the 8 o'clock movie is sold out, there's a show at 9:30, I hope it's okay.

A: Okay, I hope we have a good time.

Unit 2 - Lesson 2: Discuss preferences for a movie genre


-What kind of movies you like?

I like action and horror movies.

-What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is Abraham Lincoln the Vampire Slayer.

-What is it about?

The film is about ex-president Abraham Lincoln in his youth and how he witnessed the death of his mother at the hand of a vampire, thanks to which he begins a crossroads in search of revenge.


1 A: I'd like to eat hot dog. Would you? It’s at the downtown. 
   B: No thanks, I’d rather not. Let’s stay home.

2 A: Would you like to drink something?
   B: Yes,  I would.

3 A: What would you rather to see: a horror film or a drama?
   B: Me? I’d rather see a horror movie.

4 A: There’s a musical and a horror movie on TV.  Would your husband rather see the horror movie?
   B: Yes, he would. 

5 A: My sister would like to go to the movies on Friday.
   B: Great. I would like, too.


A: What would you rather do: stay at home and watch a movie or go to the cinema?

B: I prefer to go out. That's ok?

A: Sure! . . . Would you rather see Horror City or Love in Paris?

B: Are you kidding? I can't stand horror movies and, to tell you the truth, I don't really like love stories.

R: Well, how about a documentary? The Great Wall of China also plays a role. I've heard it's great.

B: That works for me!

Unit 2 - Lesson 3: Describe and recommend movies

Unit 2 - Lesson 3: Describe and recommend movies
Listening: Dictation


Movie Title: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer

Genre: Action and horror.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead
jimmy simpson
Dominic Cooper
Anthony Mackie

Timur Bekmambetov

Adjectives that describe the movie: Interesting, great and scary.

What the movie is about: It is a movie that takes us back to the youth of ex-president Lincoln who, as I said before, his mother was assassinated by a vampire, begins his quest for revenge but is almost killed, but was saved by a vampire who He trains and helps him complete his revenge. It is a very good movie. I recommend it.


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