Unit 4 leasson 1

Discuss a Car accident

What were you doing yesterday at five in the afternoon?

I was having lunch with my best friend.

Have you or someone you know ever been in an accident? What happened?

Yes, once when I was little I was walking with my grandmother and I let go of her hand to cross the street alone and I got hit by a motorcycle.


Dialogue Practice

A: I had an accident. 

B: I'm so sorry. Are you OK? 

A: I am very injured and I have a broken arm. 

B: I hope you get better. How did it happen? 

A: Well, the other driver was behind me and hit my motorcycle and I went flying. 

B: Oh no! Was there a lot of damage? 

A: Yes, I will have to buy another motorcycle since my motorcycle was completely destroyed.

Gramar practices 


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