Unit 5 - Lesson 1: Ask for something in a store

What do you do for personal care?

I always brush my teeth when I get up, after eating and before going to bed

I got the barbershop to get a haircut ang shave

I cut my toenails when they are too long, apart from put on deodorant to avoid getting a bad smell

I bathe twice a day, I use shampoo and conditionador


Dialogue practice

A: Excuse me. Where can I find deodorants?

B: Deodorants? Take a look at the cosmetics section, in aisle 3.

A: Actually I did and there weren't any.

B: I'm sorry. Let me bring you some from back. Anything else?

A: Yes. I couldn't find any soap either.

B: No problem. There are some out there. I'll show you.

Grammar Practice


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