
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2023
 Unit 5 - Lesson 2: Make an appointment at a salon or spa PRACTICE OF DIALOGUE All the best. Classic Spa and Salon. B: Hello. This is Rosario Pala. I'd like to make an appointment for a haircut. A: When would you like to come in, Mrs. Rosario? B: Today, if possible. A: Let me check it. . . . Amparo has a vacancy at 5:00. B: Actually, that's a perfect for me. A: Ready, we are waiting for you Mrs. Rosario. GRAMMAR PRACTICE 
 Unit 5 - Lesson 1: Ask for something in a store What do you do for personal care? I always brush my teeth when I get up, after eating and before going to bed I got the barbershop to get a haircut ang shave I cut my toenails when they are too long, apart from put on deodorant to avoid getting a bad smell I bathe twice a day, I use shampoo and conditionador VOCABULARY Dialogue practice A: Excuse me. Where can I find deodorants? B: Deodorants? Take a look at the cosmetics section, in aisle 3. A: Actually I did and there weren't any. B: I'm sorry. Let me bring you some from back. Anything else? A: Yes. I couldn't find any soap either. B: No problem. There are some out there. I'll show you. Grammar Practice
Unit 4 lesson  2 Describe a Car problem Vocabulary Conversation A: I'm going to leave my car. B: Was everything okay? A: Well, the car worked wonderfully and the air conditioning didn't even mention it. B: I'm glad to know that. A: Very good service. B: Excuse me, is the tank full? A: Yes. I just filled it out. Grammar Practice
 Unit 4 leasson 1 Discuss a Car accident What were you doing yesterday at five in the afternoon? I was having lunch with my best friend. Have you or someone you know ever been in an accident? What happened? Yes, once when I was little I was walking with my grandmother and I let go of her hand to cross the street alone and I got hit by a motorcycle. Vocabulary Dialogue Practice A: I had an accident.  B: I'm so sorry. Are you OK?  A: I am very injured and I have a broken arm.  B: I hope you get better. How did it happen?  A: Well, the other driver was behind me and hit my motorcycle and I went flying.  B: Oh no! Was there a lot of damage?  A: Yes, I will have to buy another motorcycle since my motorcycle was completely destroyed. Gramar practices