
 Blog #2 Mastering English Grammar: Passive Voice, Comparatives, and Infinitives 1. Passive Voice Passive voice is a grammatical construction where the subject of the sentence receives the action rather than performing it. It's formed by using a form of the verb "to be" followed by the past participle of the main verb. Example: Active Voice: The chef prepares the meal.Passive Voice: The meal is prepared by the chef. Passive voice is commonly used when the focus is on the action rather than the doer or when the doer is unknown or less important. 2. Comparatives Comparatives are used to compare two or more things, indicating which has a higher or lower degree of a particular quality. They're formed by adding "-er" to short adjectives or by using "more" before longer adjectives, followed by "than". Example: Short Adjective: This book is longer than that one.Long Adjective: This book is more interesting than that one. Comparatives help us exp
  Unit 6 1. What food are you crazy about? I'm crazy about Salchipapa 2. What food are a big eater of? I'm a bit fish eater 3.What drink are you a big drinker? I'm a big aguila negra drink 4. What food/drink are you a love of? 5. I'm pizza lover Negative 1. I can't stand rize 2. I'm not crazy about Higado 3. I don't are fot egg 5. I'm not much of a frijoles eat 6. I'm not much of a Frutiño drinker Excuses 1. I'm on a diet 2. I'm trying to lose weight 3. I don't eat beef 4. I'm allergic to chocolate 5. I'm aroiding sugar 6. I don't care fot chocolate I use/used to 1. I used to love seafood 2. you diidn't use to love oister 3. Did he use to like to drink coffe? 4. It used to rain in barranquilla 5. We used to love eat lobster 6. You didn't use to like fish 7. Did they use to like to eat meat?
 Unit 5 - Lesson 2: Make an appointment at a salon or spa PRACTICE OF DIALOGUE All the best. Classic Spa and Salon. B: Hello. This is Rosario Pala. I'd like to make an appointment for a haircut. A: When would you like to come in, Mrs. Rosario? B: Today, if possible. A: Let me check it. . . . Amparo has a vacancy at 5:00. B: Actually, that's a perfect for me. A: Ready, we are waiting for you Mrs. Rosario. GRAMMAR PRACTICE 
 Unit 5 - Lesson 1: Ask for something in a store What do you do for personal care? I always brush my teeth when I get up, after eating and before going to bed I got the barbershop to get a haircut ang shave I cut my toenails when they are too long, apart from put on deodorant to avoid getting a bad smell I bathe twice a day, I use shampoo and conditionador VOCABULARY Dialogue practice A: Excuse me. Where can I find deodorants? B: Deodorants? Take a look at the cosmetics section, in aisle 3. A: Actually I did and there weren't any. B: I'm sorry. Let me bring you some from back. Anything else? A: Yes. I couldn't find any soap either. B: No problem. There are some out there. I'll show you. Grammar Practice
Unit 4 lesson  2 Describe a Car problem Vocabulary Conversation A: I'm going to leave my car. B: Was everything okay? A: Well, the car worked wonderfully and the air conditioning didn't even mention it. B: I'm glad to know that. A: Very good service. B: Excuse me, is the tank full? A: Yes. I just filled it out. Grammar Practice
 Unit 4 leasson 1 Discuss a Car accident What were you doing yesterday at five in the afternoon? I was having lunch with my best friend. Have you or someone you know ever been in an accident? What happened? Yes, once when I was little I was walking with my grandmother and I let go of her hand to cross the street alone and I got hit by a motorcycle. Vocabulary Dialogue Practice A: I had an accident.  B: I'm so sorry. Are you OK?  A: I am very injured and I have a broken arm.  B: I hope you get better. How did it happen?  A: Well, the other driver was behind me and hit my motorcycle and I went flying.  B: Oh no! Was there a lot of damage?  A: Yes, I will have to buy another motorcycle since my motorcycle was completely destroyed. Gramar practices 
  Unit 3 leason 1 Leave and teake Vocabulary  What will you do when you finish university? I will dedicate myself to fulfilling my dream of working in pick-ups as a steering wheel designer to fulfill my dream of having my own pick-up that will be called the big chichi Will you find us at the restaurant?  yes he will Will you take a bus to the hotel? They do not Conversation  A: Hello? I'd like to speak to Jefferson Cueto. He's a guest. B: I'll ring that room for you... I'm sorry. He's not answering. Would you like to leave a message? A: Yes. Please tell him Santiago Legarda. I'll meet him at the hotel at three this afternoon. B: Is that all?  A: Yes, thanks. Grammar Practice unit 3 leason 2 Check into a hotel f you are in a hotel, what services and facilities would you request? Room service is important to me because I can rest more since everything is delivered to my room. Conversation A: Hi, I'm checking in. The name's Legarda. B: Let's see. That&#